Wednesday 29 October 2014

Excellent sailing

Coordinates: 27 19.7 S 173 21.5 E
Bearing: 17 5 T
Boat Speed: 5.5
Wind Direction: NNW swinging more to NW just now
Wind Strength: 8 to 14 knots
Sea state: slight swell

Crew health: fine

An great day , almost perfect catamaran sailing conditions . Good following wind , head sails poled out one each side . no main sail up , and the Katipo nearly steers herself. It is like a smooth magic carpet ride. Decks are dry , no spray flying as happens when one sails to windward.
Keel boats would be rolling from side to side now I am sure, in a most uncomfortable way !
Last night we hammered along through the darkness after the wind rose at about 10 PM.
Cooking and all the other tasks are so much easier under these conditions, and I nearly forgot to mention the usual blue sky and sunny shorts and tee shirts weather!
Wind just swinging to NW so have re organised sails but still good progress

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