Thursday 2 October 2014


This evening we are anchored off Denerau having sailed over this morning from Musket Cove. Since the last blog a few days ago Denise and I have mostly been at Solevu Bay , Liku liku or Musket Cove where we were lucky to secure a vacant mooring. Time has gone quickly and Denise flies home next Wednesday. Last Tuesday we had arranged to sail over to Denerau to meet Lynn and Grant from Whitford for dinner but the weather was pretty grim that morning so we came over on the ferry for lunch instead which was very pleasant.
The next day it rained and was quite cool so we stayed on board and did a supplies stock take with a view to having a big shopping expedition to Nadi to stock up for the return voyage. The wet weather gave me a chance to test the new rain water collection system I had organised on the centre pod roof. I am pleased to report we quickly had 20 litres in the collecting container.
It is surprising who you meet up here . A couple anchored nearby hailed us , they had recognised Katipo as they walk past our house at Shelly park on the public walkway quite often, and today a fellow boat club member who this season has been sailing his catamaran to Tonga and Fiji visiting many of the same places we have visited.
Tomorrow we are of to Lautoka to sort out the paperwork for crew changes , ready for when Ted flies in later this month to crew on the NZ bound voyage.

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