Monday 27 October 2014

Creeping along

Coordinates:24 55S, 173 10.7E
Bearing:207 T
Boat Speed: 2 Kn
Wind 6 Kn ESE

Another glorious day , blue sky , occasional fluffy white cloud , deep blue coloured sea and a lazy swell rolling in from the SE
A good day for relaxing , tidying up on board and doing a few minor jobs.
Fortunately there is a current of about 1 knot going our way here so that is helping us along.
Last night all the stars were out a huge glimmering dome overhead which one rarely sees in NZ
We can now receive Radio NZ national program from about one hour after sunset until about one hour before dawn. During the day solar cosmic radiation interferes with reception.
So should you wake up at say 2.30 am you can guess that out here I will be sitting in the cockpit keeping a lookout whilst listening to the radio!!
I am afraid I overlooked the time today hence this message is a little later than usual

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