Sunday 9 October 2011

Saweni Bay

We motored the 3.5 miles yesterday to Saweni Bay while the rain had stopped. It soon started again however and only stopped at lunch time today. There has been a slow moving trough of weather passing over Fiji!
We are now anchored in peaceful Saweni Bay along with one other yacht in 6 metres of water which makes a change from some of the deep anchorages of late.
This afternoon we went ashore and walked the 2.5 miles to Vuda Point Marina through the farm land, past sugar cane crops and small papaya plantations. Most of the way we walked along the narrow gauge railway track which carries the train and dozens of trucks loaded high with sugar cane to the processing plant in Lautoka. The only excitement was repelling a large barking, snarling dog which lunged at us as we went past one local's house. Fortunately I was carrying an old dried out sugar cane stick at the time which was most handy.
Vuda Marina is quite a place - about 100 boats in a circular basin all moored bow in and packed like sardines. It only has one very narrow entrance so is very sheltered from any rough seas outside. It is convenient to have water, power. butane filling station, and no worries about dragging anchors but it did not appeal to us - much more pleasant in Saweni Bay. We will be here two or three days until we have completed our boat paperwork in Lautoka then we will likely move down to Denerau Island which is nearer to the airport and said to be a good place to anchor for a few days and stock up with fuel, water etc and carry on preparing Katipo for the return Voyage to Auckland. We look forward to catching up with the internet and any e mails too.

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