Wednesday 5 October 2011

catch up and rest day at Bekana Island

It was good to be able to get up at a more civilized hour today! The wind is gusting to 30 knots in squalls from the North so we are staying at anchor just off Bekana Island. A day for tidying up, cooking some bread, reading some books etc.
The last five days have been exciting sailing through a very different type of sea. When on ocean passages between islands, like for example Wallis Island to Fiji, once the sails are raised and the wind vane self steering gear set, it is a question of keeping a lookout for shipping and keeping an eye on wind strength and direction lest it changes.

Sailing through the reefs on the north of Viti Levu however is another story, nothing so relaxing! It means frequent changes of direction , resetting the sails, gybing at times and trying to spot reefs most of which are submerged not far below the surface. Also we have the binoculars at the ready to try and see the markers off headlands or on reef edges. Most of the markers are poles, some are missing and some have broken off leaving a stub just above the water. We take turns to steer while the other keeps ducking below into the chart room to check we are on course to the next GPS waypoint, marked as a cross on the chart plotter screen, or to scan ahead for markers using the binoculars. Also on straighter courses to fetch cold drinks ( it has been around 30 degrees most days), make snacks or tea. Never a dull moment!

In addition there is the interesting constantly changing scene as we cruise past the coast - sometimes close up, sometimes in the distance with a large reef area between us and the shore.

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