Tuesday 4 October 2011

Bekana Island

Coordinates: 17 35 563S 177 26 606E

It was another great sailing day today. Pleasant downwind sailing all the way, hand steering again through the reef passages. Unfortunately, the wind changed direction just as we were getting close to our destination of Saweni Bay, going round to the north with a weather forecast predicting it will stay this way for tomorrow too. So a quick decision had to be made to find a more sheltered anchorage. Hence, we are now anchored just off Bekana Island, which is close to Lautoka. In fact we are overlooking the large port and city. It is much bigger than we thought and does not look very appealing. Black smoke is pouring out of the chimneys of the sugar mill! The island of Bekana on the other hand looks to be a resort island with a lovely sandy beach. Perhaps we will make it ashore tomorrow.

We would still like to go to Saweni Bay and will make our way there in a couple of days when the wind goes back to the south east.

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1 comment:

  1. Sounds good! From the map the city is quite big and the sugar mill expands quite far! Love and hugs, Pauline xxxxx
