Friday 22 July 2011


Coordinates: 13 10 S 163 23 W
Bearing: 260 M
Boat Speed: 4 knots
Wind Direction: ENE
Wind Strength: 7.5
Sea state: slight swell

Crew health: excellent

Fish caught: a lure is out now

Other points of interest:
We had a few drinks on shore last night under the palm trees at the ' Suwarrow yacht club ' with the other yachties and the caretakers
We made a plaque to nail up there with the other flags and messages etc. from yachties who have come and gone over the years
This morning up early to get organised and winch the dinghy on board. We left late morning at slack water.
The anchor winch which nearly seized up in Aitutaki and was partly dismantled seems fortunately to be working fine now - very important when there is lots of chain and warp out in such a deep anchorage and it all has to be wound in by hand
It seems the majority of yachts have electric windlasses - fine until the electrics play up ! It is good exercise anyway winding up the anchor by hand!

The wind is light so it was fairly easy coming out round the reefs in the passage. Sea birds flew around the boat as we left and as we passed Turtle island , the northern most islet on the reef a large whale about two thirds the length of Katipo surfaced alongside giving us a nasty scare for a few minutes.

Suwarrow sank below the horizon some while ago - it has been a marvelous twelve days staying there

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1 comment:

  1. It is hard to believe you have been moored 12 days! I have so enjoyed your posts. Safe travels to Samoa and hopefully no more run ins with whales! We await your next posting!
