Tuesday, 12 July 2011


Coordinates:at Suwarrow
Boat Speed:
Wind Direction:
Wind Strength:
Sea state:

Crew health:

Fish caught:

Other points of interest:

Had a nasty surprise this morning to find that we had nearly lost the dinghy and outboard overnight from a faulty fitting in the bow of the dinghy - however part of the painter had by chance become tangled around an oar lying in the dinghy and it did not set off for Samoa with out us!

we met James the caretaker today - a big Cook Island / Maori guy with a long beard , a top knot and lots of tattoos. One of the most pleasant and informative guys you might wish to meet
He told us heaps about the 11 species of sea birds here, the history of the island and showed us where Tom Neale used to live. He knows some of the Cook Island sailors we met in Rarotonga - so there was plenty to talk about

He also knows some of Frisbee's ( Tom Neale's mentor) children.
He assures us the reef sharks are no worry but to be more carefully with another two types occasionally found in the lagoon

He was out of bananas and fortunately we have a stalk just ripening - so more than we need . We will take him plenty in this evening

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1 comment:

  1. Glad that you did not lose the dinghy! That would have been a bummer! Hope to hear more about the wildlife! I was reading a little bit about these two rangers! Quite the characters! Have another great day in Paradise!!!Although the sharks are a little scary!
