Boat Speed:
Wind Direction:
Wind Strength:
Sea state:
Crew health:
Fish caught:
Other points of interest:
It was a fairly fresh wind last night about 25 knots from the SE but the anchor held OK - always a concern when coral bombies are not far away
I forgot to mention yesterday that we found a plump flying fish on deck one morning on the way from Aitutaki - very tasty fried for a breakfast starter
Today I ventured in amongst the sharks for a swim and to see how well the anchor was set but visibility was not adequate today in fairly deep water
Tonight there is a pot luck supper for the yachties at the caretakers hut - it will be good to meet the others. There are six yachts anchored here including us
Now we are at anchor I will not send a blog report every day - look for one next weekend
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Have a fun few days and we look forward to hearing from you soon! Obviously a popular spot with those yachting people who are seeking adventure!!!!