Thursday 11 September 2014

Vunuya Island Village

Coordinates:17 35.84S 177 04.11E

All is well . We left Malolo Island at 9 am under motor expecting the wind to come in as forecast but unfortunately it did not !
We motored under a hot sun for ages ( which I do not enjoy ) until we reached Vunuya Island and anchored off the village in 10 metres.
Locals were busy fishing , smoke rose from the cooking fires, children played on the beach and it all looked pretty tranquil.
Tim and I rowed in to visit the chief and ask his permission to anchor in their bay. We were met by one of the elders named Suli who was most hospitable , and explained that the chief had died and as yet a new one had not been appointed.
He took us on tour of the village and was particularly proud of the large number of houses now having solar panels for lights, TV and at the school now a number of computers. He invited us for milky fijian tea at his house.
We gave him the Yaqona we had brought for the chief. These are dried roots which are ground to make the kava drink. We also had brought in a football for the children. It was a most interesting visit particularly as he spoke perfect English ( like many Fijians ) as he had worked in some of the resorts and had learned English at school when young. English is still taught in all schools here.
Ps I made a mistakes over the last two days when writing the coordinates in the blog. Sorry if it caused confusion.

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