Tuesday 2 September 2014

Reached Viti Levu

Coordinates: 17 19.462 178 87.788 E
Crew health: Great

Fish caught: one Mahimahi

We have just anchored off Malake Island on the north side of Viti Levu
We had a pleasant sail from Cocoanut Point today , steady SE wind and quite a fast sail after an early start. The last part of our sail was in through the reef on the north of Viti Levu. Some of the markers on the reefs were missing , they are often damaged by cyclones or just rust and decay .
I used my new "guaranted" lure, purchased in Savu savu, today and caught a mahi mahi , not too large to keep to eat . If it had been a large one I would have set it free.
Tomorrow we will travel further along this 'inland 'passage between the shore and and the off lying reef towards Lautoka.

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