Sunday 2 November 2014

A fair wind at last

Coordinates:31 32S 172 28E
Bearing: 159 T
Boat Speed: 4.5 to 5.5 knots
Wind Direction: northerly
Wind Strength: fluctuates 8 to 15
Sea state: swell from SW

Crew health: Fine
Fish caught: NONE !!

At last a fair wind on another hot sunny day . We have the big red reacher sail up and we are gliding along with the self steering wind vane as usual doing all the work while we sit in the cockpit and marvel at old Bill Belcher's ( the wind vane designer's ) cunning work putting the plan together. Peter please tell PQ that the new universal joint he supplied is doing a great job since I installed it in Denerau.
More bread making today , an even bigger and better loaf.

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