Friday, 7 November 2014

Nearly Home

At anchor in Hooks Bay at the north east end of Waiheke Island. What a change to be finally at anchor after the last couple of weeks of constant action.
There was not much time for writing the blog and Shay has kindly filled in the last couple of days after we phoned him.
We dropped anchor at 3.30 am this morning after an exciting but progressively more wearing trip down from Opua.
We arrived at the outer edge of the Bay of Islands at dawn on Wednesday, it was great to see the NZ again. We were tied up at the Quarantine wharf in Opua by midday and soon had cleared customs. Ted and I checked the local weather forecasts and it seemed best to go south straight away or we may be a few days awaiting better conditions.
We had a good NW wind that afternoon and into the night although the wind became lighter. However a front came through at dawn yesterday with wind of 30 knots and we were soon running before it in an exciting sail down to near Kawau Island. We intended stopping overnight there but as we approached a fierce SW wind change came in gusting to 35 knots.
It was clear we would struggle against this headwind to reach the anchorage so we set a course for the east end of Waiheke Island. The wind was very strong gusting to 40 knots and the seas built up. We carried on under reefed sails and hand steered in half hour shifts. We were already tired having had little sleep in the last 24 hours
Despite the forecast of the wind becoming less at dusk, it was not until 2.00 am that the wind dropped a little enabling us to reach Hooks Bay.
Today has been a peaceful day of sleeping and relaxing. We should be back in Howick within the next 48 hours.

It has been a excellent voyage and I would like to thank Ted for joining Katipo in Fiji and being both great company and crew. Many thanks also to Shay in Auckland who monitored the weather and kept in touch via Katipo's satellite phone with advice.
Within the next few days I will write more about the voyage overall and also a few changes I will consider in terms of modifications to Katipo to make sailing easier.
Best wishes to all

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Thursday, 6 November 2014

Nearing Waiheke

Katipo sailed through the night last night and was nearing Kawau today where they were planning to stop for the night for a rest. Unfortunately a 30kn SW built and they have had to divert to the south end of Waiheke where they plan to spend tonight.

The wind has dropped with the sun, and they should now be seeing only 15kn or so.

Hopefully a good rest for them tonight and back home in the morning.


Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Arrived in Opua

Katipo arrived safely in Opua late morning and cleared customs. They have taken advantage of the good weather and are about to round Cape Brett on route to Auckland over night.

Expect a more detailed post tomorrow.


Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Gibbous Moon

Coordinates: 34 16 S 174 02 E
Bearing: approx 203 T
Boat Speed: 3 Kn
Wind Direction:SSW to SW
Wind Strength:5 to 7
Sea state: calm , slight swell

Crew health: Great

Fish caught: None
The wind has gone round to the West a short time ago and we can at last make a good course to close the coast
Last night on my watch from midnight to 3 am it was very cold, so I had many layers on . However there was a gibbous moon and a silvery path across the water. You could see your way around the decks in the moonlight without a torch. We ghosted along at about 4 knots to windward. So different from the experience as we left Fiji, sailing into 20 to 25 knots in steep seas and inky black nights.
Ted and I are still smiling today about the weather forecast yesterday which Shay sent through. It was like magic. The forecast said expect the northerlies to change to SW at 1.00 pm . At 1.10pm it happened suddenly within the space of 4 minutes!!
Progress currently is slow but steady and we have all sail set - the main, staysail and genoa !
I made another loaf today but as it was too cold to get the dough to rise. So I sat the baking container with dough inside on a hot water bottle which I keep on board lest anyone is feeling hypothermic. It worked a treat and within half an hour was ready to bake !

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Monday, 3 November 2014

brief update

Coordinates: 33 12 S 173 04 E
Bearing:135 currently
Boat Speed:4.5
Wind Direction: SW fluctuates some
Wind Strength: 20 gusting 28
Sea state: confused

Crew health: fine
all is well , great run with the northerlies until 1.10 pm when suddenly changed to SW as forecast . Now less comfortable sailing as going to windward in a sea with cross swells and chop . However we are getting closer to North Cape of NZ
Few more sea birds about which is a cheering to see, especially as it is all no sun , grey clouds and intermittent rain as the front crosses us .

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Sunday, 2 November 2014

A fair wind at last

Coordinates:31 32S 172 28E
Bearing: 159 T
Boat Speed: 4.5 to 5.5 knots
Wind Direction: northerly
Wind Strength: fluctuates 8 to 15
Sea state: swell from SW

Crew health: Fine
Fish caught: NONE !!

At last a fair wind on another hot sunny day . We have the big red reacher sail up and we are gliding along with the self steering wind vane as usual doing all the work while we sit in the cockpit and marvel at old Bill Belcher's ( the wind vane designer's ) cunning work putting the plan together. Peter please tell PQ that the new universal joint he supplied is doing a great job since I installed it in Denerau.
More bread making today , an even bigger and better loaf.

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Saturday, 1 November 2014

Another hot day

Coordinates:29 45S 171 58.9E
Bearing: 180 T
Boat Speed: 4 to 5kn
Wind Direction: fluctuates but in the last hour has swung giving us a good course, prior to that our course was 240
Wind Strength: 7 to 13 kn
Sea state: calm but big swell still

Crew health: Fine

We were becalmed again from late afternoon yesterday until 2 am in the depths of the night when there was just enough wind to have us moving again. Always tricky by yourself in the dark trying get orientated, to go from becalmed and pointing in any direction, to sails up and on course again Today a steady breeze which hopefully will eventually go more northerly.
Made a great loaf in the oven today ( after having a lesson whilst in Fiji from Denise some weeks ago )
Rice Risotto for lunch incorporating a tin of interesting Dahl Soup we found in an Indian supermarket in Nadi . Fortunately we have three more tins too.
The forecasts forwarded by Shay have proved very accurate to date so hopefully a good wind tomorrow and no becalming tonight !!

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