Tuesday 1 November 2011

A wind change

Coordinates 31 29 S 174 13 E
Boat Speed: 6
Wind Direction: NE
Wind Strength: 17
Sea state: moderate swell

Crew health:excellent

A wet , dark cold night with fairly big seas smacking into the hulls as we sailed in 25 to about 35 knots . Today less wind but much cloud and rain . However about an hour ago the forecast change to a NE wind happened quite quickly which is great - suddenly no flying spray , wind aft of the beam and an easy sail with mainsail and a poled out staysail wing and wing. It is so much better and we can have some hatches open and start to dry out again!!
I am about to down load the next 4 days weather forecast - hopefully it will be a good one and we can continue to make good progress towards Opua

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