Boat Speed:
Wind Direction:
Wind Strength:
Sea state:
Crew health: great
Fish caught:nil but saw a few flying fish
Other points of interest:
We left Rarotonga with reasonable but not ideal winds and non coming up on the weather map for the next week or so
A SE would have been good and we are in the SE Trade wind belt but we had to make do with a ENE wind on the trip almost directly north - so lumpy sailing !
we were too late to get through the reef before dark yesterday so sailed on past Aitutaki with minimal sail just jogging along slowly then tacked back
Timing went well and we were at the pass an hour before high water . The current is always flowing out here due to the constant east nd SE winds driving water over the reef
With Shay about 15 feet up the mast pointing the way we motored at top speed against the current up the passage 40 feet wide - Katipo is 22 feet wide !
But all went well and we are in a real tropical paradise, anchored in a quiet little harbour with one other yacht which looks like it has been here ages
Shay and Jo have gone off to investigate the kite board surfing here and by luck some world competitions are to be held here in the next week - the huge lagoon is perfect for the sport
I will try and up date the blog but not every day while in Aitutaki
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Bon Voyage for Vanua Levu Katipo. Thanks for your blog - envious well-wisher.