Tuesday, 31 May 2011


Coordinates: 31 52 024 S 166 48 291 W
Bearing: 45 mag
Boat Speed: 5.2
Wind Direction:South
Wind Strength: 7.5
Sea state: flat

Crew health: great

Fish caught: no fishing still eating last Tuna

Other points of interest:
another excellent day, steady progress , skimming along , wind aft of beam , just like a ride on magic flying carpet
the other side of sailing !

Ted and I were talking about the 24 hours spent with the boat hanging from the parachute sea anchor.
We decided it was like 24 hours sitting on a roller coaster at a fun park but sheltered in side the deck pod, and each time you put your head out to look around you were pelted with 30 to 40 knots of wind, spray and rain plus the boat was buffeted by each breaking crest or steep sided wave as it rolled onwards .
moving round the deck it was life harness as usual and stooped to hang onto hand holds as you went.
Is sailing fun out here - yes most definitely

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Monday, 30 May 2011


Coordinates:32 51 752 S 168 13 762
Bearing: 30 Mag
Boat Speed: 5.5
Wind Direction:92T
Wind Strength:8.5
Sea state: lumpy

Crew health:fine

Fish caught:nil

Other points of interest:

cloudy all day so less solar top up, becalmed last night , steady breeze today
passed 1000 miles - not too bad since Katipo more heavily laden than in her life and many hours becalmed plus over 24 hours on sea anchor going no where!
it is nearly dark here now with the latitude difference from NZ

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Sunday, 29 May 2011


Coordinates: 33 49 582 S 169 41 787W
Bearing:45 M
Boat Speed:2.5 knots
Wind Direction: sw
Wind Strength:4 knots
Sea state:calm

Crew health: great

Fish caught: no fishing - still to finish last tuna in freezer

Other points of interest:
an excellent day blue sky, blue sea, steady breeze most of day and doing 8 knots at times but now wind faded - what a contrast to the last 3 days
caught up with some small amount of washing with rain water collected and drying of clothes
wearing shorts today
found a flying fish on deck this morning - we must be getting into warmer seas

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Saturday, 28 May 2011


Coordinates:34 40 433 S 171 43 799 W
Bearing:45 M
Boat Speed: 5.5

Wind Direction:168T
Wind Strength:12
Sea state: slight swell

Crew health: fine

Fish caught: no time for fishing

Other points of interest:
at sea anchor from 1100 yesterday till 1130 today. set and retrieve went well
howling northerlies up to 40 knots in night and big steep breaking seas looming up out of the darkness but Katipo rose up them well with her long raked bows. Sea anchor was great but lot of noise at times , today wind gone round and sailing well
'drifted' only 10 miles east and about 10 miles south while at anchor for 24 hours while we were able to rest. one person still on watch lest other boats about

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Friday, 27 May 2011


Coordinates: 34 44 823S 172 18 419 W
Bearing: nil
Boat Speed: nil
Wind Direction: north
Wind Strength:25 to 30 knots
Sea state: big seas 3.5 M

Crew health: fine

Fish caught:nil

Other points of interest:
as expected the strong north wind came in last night and by late morning today we decided to put out the sea anchor and wait for this weather to blow past
It is amazing to be held steady to the wind in one spot in the middle of the ocean by the parachute and 300 feet of nylon line
may be here 24v hours or so

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Thursday, 26 May 2011


Coordinates: at 16 00 hours 34 15 854S 173 26 037 W
Boat Speed:5
Wind Direction:72 true
Wind Strength:10
Sea state: choppy

Crew health: fine

Fish caught: nil

Other points of interest:

going well about to reach the 700 mile mark

sail mail weather info giving detailed pictures of next 4 days from Tasmnan to Cook Islands a great help
some northerlies setting in

becalmed all night last night

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Wednesday, 25 May 2011


Coordinates: at 16.30 hours 34 22 205 S 174 58 619W

Bearing: 69 magnetic
Boat Speed: 4.2 knots
Wind Direction: 131 true
Wind Strength: 6.1
Sea state:slight swell

Crew health: great

Fish caught:no fishing still eating last tuna

Other points of interest:
small bird came aboard today weak and on last legs - sadly died - must have been blown out from land

Watch system working well - 3 hours on 3 hours off from 6 pm until 6 am then two watches of 6 hours during the day

hot sunny, blue sky , gentle breeze, ran all day under poles out twin head sails as easy sailing - excellent relaxing day

We changed the meal system so that we cook mid day between watches and there is plenty of time to prepare food and tidy up
cooking in the evening as darkness descends when one is also sending scheduled messages through , receiving the next 3 days weather files and maybe changing sails before the night watches start is too busy

we have been lucky with weather so far but expect some northerlies in the next 2 days

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Tuesday, 24 May 2011


Coordinates:35 03 807 S 176 34 005 W
AS AT time 16.30

Bearing:67 Mag
Boat Speed:5.3
Wind Direction: NW
Wind Strength:8.5 knots
Sea state:1 m swell from SE

Crew health: fine

Fish caught:one Tuna

Other points of interest: steady day of sailing , fairly light winds still, but making progress
we plan to slowly edge north to about 34 degrees S lat and 170 W longitude and review route then depending on winds

enough Tuna for next three days - great to have the electric freezer

Crewman Ted Berry and I are both agreed to take things easily , not to push the boat too hard and risk any gear failures

Ted built and sailed for many years a 45 foot Wharram catamaran and is enjoying being back on board a catamaran
Denise meanwhile is attending a family wedding in Arizona and plans catch up in Rarotonga for the rest of the voyage.

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Monday, 23 May 2011


Coordinates:35 42 234 S 178 36 730W
Bearing:60 mag
Boat Speed: 5.2
Wind Direction:NNW
Wind Strength:6.8 knots
Sea state:mild swell

Crew health:excellent

Fish caught:no fishing today

Other points of interest:
fantastic star filled sky last night until rain squall later on
no ships sighted since 6 in first 2 days - not a commercial route!
Fresh Tuna , carrots and potatoes tonight for tea
Still have not perfected cooking brocolli in pressure cooker - either crunchy or a soggy mess - tastes fine however after a busy day

solar panels working well even down at this latitude - keeps freezer ticking over - a luxury

have added new lines to control wind vane from cockpit/pod - huge improvement

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Sunday, 22 May 2011


Bearing: 35 55 298 S 179 34 962E
Boat Speed:5.8
Wind Direction: NW
Wind Strength: 10 to 15 at times
Sea state: 0.5m swell

Crew health: great

Fish caught: one tuna moderate size

Other points of interest: quiet wind last night steady today sunny bright only 2 birds sighted , boat tidier and better organised now
frozen food excellent

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Saturday, 21 May 2011


Coordinates:36 08 660s 17726 900e (correction sorry 36 08 518 S 177 27 598 E)
Bearing:60 mag
Boat Speed: wind dropping away 5 to 7 in day
Wind Direction: sw most of day
Wind Strength: 7 to 9 knots
Sea state: calm
Crew health: fine
Fish caught: no fishing today - eating yesterdays
Other points of interest:
great sunny day saw first albatross
24 hour run noon to noon since yesterday 121 miles despite motoring slowly 3 hours at start yesterday and strong current against us round Coromandel
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Friday, 20 May 2011


Coordinates:175 27 285 S 175 20 340E
Boat Speed:between 5 and 8 knots
Wind Direction WSW
Wind Strength:13
Sea state: turbulent

Crew health:great

Fish caught: large kawahwai

Other points of interest: left Howick this morning , a good day light winds sw building over day
used new large red reacher sail - very
currently rounding top of Coromandel - 3 knot tide against us - choppy sea but should ease soon

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Thursday, 19 May 2011


Bearing: Still in Howick
Boat Speed:
Wind Direction:
Wind Strength:
Sea state:

Crew health:in much better spirits than last night

Fish caught:

Other points of interest last night great disappointment - we worked on engine with Shays help until 11 pm - the engine would not charge the batteries. rang customs and delayed departure - removed alternator today and took in for testing - proved ok

the marine electricians from Half Moon Bay came to the boat and fitted some meters to more easily keep a check on things and eventually found a faulty connection which had also affected the rev counter and oil warning light as
well as the charging
So really a great stroke of luck to have the problem now not in 3 days time at sea!!!
Hope to leave in morning after clearance again from customs

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Wednesday, 18 May 2011


Boat Speed:
Wind Direction:SW becoming lighter
Wind Strength:
Sea state:

Crew health:excellent

Fish caught:

Other points of interest: all set to leave between 7 and 8 am tomorrow Thursday 19th May bound for Rarotonga and warm tropical lagoons

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Tuesday, 17 May 2011


Boat Speed:
Wind Direction:
Wind Strength:
Sea state:

Crew health: ok

Fish caught:nil

Other points of interest:
still at anchor awaiting customs clearance tomorrow - depart Thursday on the early morning tide

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Monday, 16 May 2011


Coordinates: 36.54.751s ; 174.57.499e
Bearing: at anchor
Boat Speed: at anchor
Wind Direction: 270
Wind Strength: 6
Sea state: calm

Crew health: excellent

Fish caught: only some takeaways

Other points of interest: awaiting customs checkout, hope to depart Auckland Wed/Thursday

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